You are not alone – please join us

DMDD is a challenging diagnosis that can feel overwhelming and isolating at times. It’s hard to find anyone who understands how exhausting it is to live with a child who has an explosive emotional response to minor triggers like doing homework, putting away video games, or cleaning their room.


We are here to help. We have four different communities you can join (we recommend you join them all!):


  • Join our DMDD – Stronger Together Facebook Discussion Group, or follow us on Instagram, to stay up to date on the latest research.
  • Join our sister Facebook Discussion Group – Parents of Children with DMDD – to ask questions, get advice, or just vent.
  • Subscribe to our YouTube channel to find educational videos where you can learn more about DMDD.

DMDD – Stronger Together Research Discussion FB Group

FB Group: Parents of Children with DMDD Instagram Page YouTube Channel