DMDD – Stronger Together Research

Our research results are listed below in chronological order by date. You can also search by topic or browse the archives on the right.

Please help us improve the quality of our results by completing the latest survey. Together we can help each other learn more about this disorder and how it affects our children.

ANSWER: 76% focus on a regular bedtime 65% use melatonin or other non-Rx supplement for sleep 39% give our kiddos a bath, warm milk, a weighted blanket or other non-medication tactic to help them sleep 26% have an Rx specifically to improve sleep 24% take an Rx that isn’t prescribed

ANSWER: 1. The Explosive Child, by Dr. Ross Greene (book) 2. Dr. Fisher videos (click here for the link:…) 3. Facebook support groups [Note: These groups are a great source of emotional support for our families. There are many to choose from, but we recommend you also join the

ANSWER: 22% of DMDDers with sleep issues have had a tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy. Of those 15 who had the procedure, only 1 said it improved sleep issues completely; 7 said it improved sleep somewhat; and 7 said it didn’t improve sleep at all. (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, July

ANSWER: 19% of our kiddos with sleep issues have had a sleep study done. Another 11% are planning to do one. Of those that had the sleep study done: 57% found our kiddos has sleep apnea 36% found our kiddos had sleep hypopnea (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, July

ANSWER: 96% of our DMDD kiddos have trouble sleeping. 😥 85% have trouble falling asleep 69% have trouble staying asleep 43% have night terrors/nightmares or other disruptions 22% have additional issues like bed wetting, waking up early, teeth grinding or restlessness/kicking. (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, July 2019. n=72.)

ANSWER: Sadly, 87% of us received NO educational or support group recommendations at diagnosis (e.g. books, videos, websites, support groups). (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, July 2019. n=32)

ANSWER: Most of us have heard something about it (66%), but many (34%) have not. (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, June 2019. n=100)

ANSWER: Almost a third of us have tried it, but many are still too early in the process to say whether it’s been successful. 9% Have tried it, and are happy with the results 7% Have tried it, but are having some issues 16% Have just started, so aren’t sure

ANSWER: Not surprising, most of us are biological moms (73%). What was surprising, is that 16% of us are adoptive parents. This is interesting, given that only 1% of kids in the U.S. are adopted. And a shout out to the dads, grandmas and step-moms – it takes a village!

ANSWER: We are everywhere! Of the 95 responses, we represented 35 states and Canada! (Source: Facebook Survey, June 2019. n=95)

ANSWER: 67% said yes. Of those with additional diagnoses, the most common were ADHD/ADD (70%), Anxiety (61%), and Depression (31%). (Source: Facebook Survey to DMDD-related groups, June 2019. n=95

ANSWER: 82% of our kids are under 14 years old. The average age is 11. (Source: Facebook Survey, June 2019. n=95)

Answer: 68% were diagnosed in the past two years. 25% were diagnosed in the last six months. (Source: Facebook Survey, June 2019. n=95)

Answer: 86% of our kiddos were diagnosed before age 12. The average age at diagnosis was 9.